Moxibustion and Breech Presentation


During the last trimester of pregnancy, often occurring during week 34 to 36 your baby will settle lower into the pelvis and ideally in a ‘well-flexed anterior position.’  This optimal position, is back to belly, chin to chest, hands in lap, creating an optimal position for labor.  However, occasionally the baby will be malpositioned or show as malpresentation in the fetus.  The baby may be present as posterior and/or breech, all of these positions may cause complications during labor putting both the mother and baby at risk.
Your midwife or doctor will examine your belly through palpation, a vaginal examination, or an ultrasound to determine the position of the baby and move forward with the necessary treatment protocol.  Traditional Chinese Medicine is very effective at making sure baby is in the proper position for labor!  In the event that your baby is breech, Chinese Medicine can be used to turn a breech position in utero.  This is done by using a specific acupuncture point known as Bladder 67.  This is the last point on the bladder channel located on the pinky toe.  Moxibustion will be administered by your acupuncturist in treatment for 20 minutes on each side.  Your acupuncturist will then send you home with a moxa poll to apply moxa on yourself for 10 days.  This protocol is the most effective alternative treatment for treating breech positioned babies!