
Chinese Medicine is More Than Just Acupuncture

Do you have ‘needle phobia’ yet remain curious as to what all the buzz is around acupuncture? Do you fear your system is too sensitive or delicate to receive acupuncture.  Odds are you know someone who swears it cured their migraines, regulated their digestion, helped them get pregnant, alleviated their shoulder pain, and/or allowed them to finally get a good night’s sleep. What if you hate needles and lying on a table with them stuck in at various locations on your body sounds like the furthest thing from relaxing. Most of us dislike needles because having blood drawn or getting a shot at the doctor raises our blood pressure and sometimes causes a bit of nausea or may even cause us to faint. The truth is most acupuncture needles are hair thin and you may not even feel them go in. Once they are in they are incredibly calming and promotes a deep sense of relaxation, allowing your body to melt into the table. But what if I told you you could get acupuncture without ever having a needle put in!

Acupuncture is just one modality in Chinese Medicine. As a Chinese medicine practitioner, I have many tools available to utilize in healing the body. Other modalities include herbal medicine, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, tuina, shiatsu, and nutrition. Most acupuncturists combine different modalities to meet each patient’s needs to achieve the desired goals of treatment to heal the body. Cupping is a therapy using glass cups that are applied to the skin using heat as suction and then moved along the body.  It stimulates the flow of qi and blood to help alleviate pain. Cupping is also detoxifying, allowing congestion below the surface of the body to be drawn out and released. I like to use cupping for chronic upper respiratory infections to support the lungs and relieve chronic cough.  


Moxibustion, or moxa for short, is the art of heat therapy and can be used with or without needles. Moxa is made of the herb ai ye, or mugwort. It can be used indirectly (away from the skin) or directly (placed on the skin) and is burned to achieve a desired level of warmth that is very penetrating and healing for the body. Moxa may be placed directly over an acupuncture point or moved along a channel. This is especially helpful for women who experience painful menses, fibroids, cysts, menstrual cramps, infertility, and breech positioned babies. In my practice I find that there are few things that moxa cannot treat. Moxa is also used to strengthen the blood, treat anemia or blood deficiency, encourage the flow of qi and blood, and maintain general health.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal medicine is another one of my favorite modalities to use in practice.  Combining herbs with acupuncture is a wonderful way to facilitate healing the body. There are hundreds of formulas used in practice, instead of using single herbs alone, they are made into formulas to enhance their positive effects and can be tailored to each patients individual needs.

Nutrition Therapy

Using nutrition therapy in practice is another great way to support the body’s ability to heal itself.  After all, food is medicine! Here each food has a particular flavor, temperature, and nature in the body. Adding specific foods to your daily regimen can help build your blood, encourage optimal digestion, and balance the body.

If you have been on the fence about trying acupuncture because of the needles, it’s time to put that aside and make an appointment. A good practitioner will work with you so that you feel comfortable and support you in your journey to live a fuller healthier life. Be well!

Year of the Yellow Dog – By: Lillian Pearl Bridges


February 16, 2018 is the start of the Chinese Year of the Yellow Dog. This is a Yang Earth Year, which will bring much more stability, with a few notable exceptions. The Elements are Yang Earth on top of Earth, which means that they harmonize with each other. So, overall, it is will be a much calmer year and may sometimes even seem boring. But there is a Chinese saying that “Boredom is good luck, because you have choices!” After two fiery years, it is time to exhale and take a deep breath to regroup. There will be a palpable feeling of relief from the tensions of the previous years, especially as we get deeper into the year. Life should get easier and more relaxed.

About the Dog:

The Dog is considered a lucky animal to the Chinese and when one comes to your house, it brings good luck to the occupants. Therefore, anyone who loves and cares for dogs this year will get a little extra luck for honoring them.

Double Earth Elements:

The Double Earth Elements of this year implies that more Earth will be made and there are only two major ways to achieve that. Both involve what could be large scale natural disasters. The first way is for two large pieces of Earth to push together, as seen when Tectonic Plates create strong earthquakes that push up new landforms, such as cliffs, ridges, hills and mountains. So we can expect that there will be more earthquakes in this coming year. Scientists have already been recording a slowing of the Earth’s rotation, which can cause an increase the number and the severity of Earthquakes in 2018, particularly within 30 degrees latitude of the equator. This in total alignment with the Chinese Horoscope and involves the strength of the center, as representative of the Earth Element. The Dog also activates the “Tail of the Dragon,” which in Feng Shui is seen as arid or semi-arid places on the back side of mountain ranges where Earthquakes are common. The other way to make more Earth is for Volcanoes to erupt with strong lava flows. And, with the strong Fire Element of the past two years, it is likely that the Earth has been heating up and many Volcanoes are ready to erupt.

The two Earth Elements together also imply the shifting of large quantities of earth from one place to another and this could be caused by major landslides or flooding in mountainous regions where the mud, boulders and rocks are washed down to the valleys below. Or large quantities of mud can also be moved when volcanic eruptions create Lahars, caused by quickly melting snow. The Earth Element blocks the Water Element by creating dams so expect water to get diverted by rocks and mud, which may cause flooding and block or muddy water supplies.

Yang Earth is so heavy that the weight of it indicates the need for extra caution in any excavating, mining or digging as the collapse of tunnels, subways and mines is likely. And since Fire is “buried” this year, there may be underground explosions. However, the good news is that there will likely be archeological treasures and rare gemstones discovered under the Earth this year.

Earth years are warm weather-wise, so expect more warm fronts and warm rain, which could also melt snowpack quickly. It is likely to produce more atmospheric rivers like the “Pineapple Express,” which produce a lot of rain. Overall, there will be more moderate temperatures this year. However, the Earth element is also associated with humidity and dampness, so there will likely be significantly increased humidity even in areas where it does not usually occur, particularly in the summertime.

Metaphorically speaking, there could be some major political or financial restructuring that occurs, which could be called a social or cultural earthquake or seismic shift. There could be some big changes made that turn over the very basic aspects of society, perhaps taking place through voting or in legislatures and parliaments around the world. There will be a return to more traditional values and virtues. The Dog is conservative in the non-political use of the term. It is more closely related to the ideal of conservation – keeping what is good, right, just and true. And because the Dog is also practical, it is about remembering what has worked before.


One of the major themes of the Dog Year is Justice and people will want to fight about injustice and unfairness, but not much else. You can expect to see more court cases with common sense rulings and adherence to previous higher standards. There will be more fairness and impartiality. This is also a year to right wrongs and return to believing in higher principles and ideals. There will be very little luck for anyone involved in unethical or illegal activities. Dogs also value Honesty and Truthfulness and this will be seen in the courtroom and in the political arena as well.

Major institutions involving justice will be able to rebuild trust and gain new respect this year. It is also a good year for arbitration. Although it is also a good year for negotiation, it is a better for small compromises rather than big wins. Countries and politicians will end up playing Tug-of-War with no real winners or losers and not very many real gains, but there will be incremental gains to build on. This is because the energy of Yang Earth is symbolic of a Mountain and people and countries will be feeling particularly stubborn and intractable this year.

Dogs are all about protecting and defending, so defense spending will go up and any organization involved with defense – such as the military, police, customs and immigration, etc., should see gains in funding and see higher recruitment. Companies involved with defense will get new contracts. There will be a return to the values of honor and duty in these organizations. There will be a renewed emphasis on guarding borders and entries to countries, companies and businesses, so expect to see an increase in security guards. Luckily, war is not likely this year, unless attacks have occurred before the start of the Dog Year or where fighting is ongoing. It is not wise for any country to attack another this year as the defensive actions will be vociferous.

Additional Themes:

Other major themes of the Dog Year are Generosity, Kindness, Sympathy and Empathy. People will care more about others and their plights. Socially, there will be a return to compassionate ideals of how to help others. The Earth Element is about acceptance and is symbolic of egalitarianism. Because of this, there will be a stronger desire to help others this year. That will likely manifest in grassroots movements to help others and petitions designed to make it known what the collective wants. Instead of demonstrations, there may be sit-ins and you will see designated spokespeople who will convey the desires of the collective.

This will give hope to the many people who are suffering rejection, and neglect, such as refugees, the poor and the homeless. Dogs live in packs so you will see more gatherings of family and friends in this year and you will also see that new members will be welcomed as hearts will be softened and opened to those who used to be considered “other”. Money will start to trickle down from corporations and the wealthy that are feeling compassion (or guilt). This means charities and foundations will also receive more contributions this year. The “underdogs” of the world will finally be given more support and a voice.

Individual Sectors

Corporations will find that people and other companies are willing to be more cooperative and there are gains to be made in collaborative partnerships. This is not a year to be competitive and materialistic. Working together will bring greater rewards than individual efforts and consistent effort will be appreciated. And, companies who take care of the health and welfare of their employees will be rewarded. It will be a very great year for Team Sports.

Financial markets are expected to stabilize and plateau and the economy of many major countries will slow down. However, this is a good year for Real Estate, particularly for large buildings and the housing market will also do well. Affordable housing will become a big issue and there will be more people interested in co-housing and shared housing. Businesses in the mountains or that involve mountain activities should flourish this year and more people will be interested in investing in a mountain vacation home.

Farming as an Earth Element industry will do particularly well this year with high yields and food production will be valued. There will also be major interest in creating backyard gardens to grow food. Recycling will also become increasingly important and bartering will become more popular.

The Tech Industry gets a big boost as Earth nurtures Metal and you will see advances made in computer and Internet technology and devices. Banking will also rebound and more people will be interested in saving and investing for the long-term gain.

The Wood Element Industries will also improve as Wood uses Earth to grow. This will be a good year for Publishing, Fashion but only for classic, comfortable and sensible styles and also for Construction – particularly retrofitting to protect homes from natural disasters and weather related events, such as making foundations and walls stronger and adding drains and retaining walls.

Health and Wellness:

In Chinese Medicine, the Earth Element involves the Earth Organs of the body – the spleen, stomach and pancreas. This is considered a good year for health but there are some health conditions exacerbated by the Earth year. The most common will be digestive disorders. Overeating will be a problem along with esophageal reflux. More people will also be diagnosed with diabetes and pre-diabetes and it will be harder to keep your blood sugar regulated. Unfortunately you can expect to see an increase in diagnoses of cancer, particularly those involving the Earth organs – the spleen, stomach, pancreas and the lymph system. People must also be careful of blood clots as blood will be thicker this year and this forecasts an increase in phlebitis, strokes and heart attacks. It is important to strengthen the Wei Qi, the immune system, as the spleen is part of that system clear boundaries between self and other will also be very helpful on a psychological level.

Inertia may be a problem for many people this year, so it will take more effort to move and exercise than usual. The best exercises are those done with others, like walking or exercise classes, done regularly. It is also good to bounce and shake to move the lymph fluids in the body using a rebounder trampoline, shaking Qi Gong or dancing, or get involved in team sports.

Some minor conditions that will be common are fallen arches, problems with the big muscles of the body, and an increase in the amount and thickness of phlegm, making the flu season particularly difficult due to an increase in chest and sinus congestion. Obesity will become a bigger issue and you can expect medical breakthroughs to occur about blood sugar regulation and endocrine imbalances that will help those who are overweight recognize that their problem is not about willpower and overeating.


Food is important in an Earth year so eating well will be a big issue. In Chinese Medicine this is called Yang Sheng – nurturing life or nourishing life. This ancient understanding of lifestyle is expected to become better known in the Western world. There will be more new diets that come out purporting to be the healthiest, but enjoying the food that you eat will be more important than what you eat this year. There will be an increased emphasis on eating fresh food from the garden and eating food that can be gathered, such as fruits and vegetables. Grass-fed beef, milk and butter will also be viewed as healthy food. Root vegetables will be made into more main dishes and people will be craving comfort food and sweets, especially the kind from their childhood or foods their mothers used to make. This includes casseroles, stews, and roast dinners along with cakes, cookies, pies and crumbles. People will be feeling more self-indulgent so it will be very easy to gain weight this year!


This is a good year for finding a partner and for marriage as dogs symbolize fidelity and faithfulness and give blessings to unions. Since dogs form packs, this means that there will be enhanced family ties and increased family time. This will make family leave a priority. People will cook and eat together more. They will become homebodies and spend their time at home relaxing and sitting on comfy chairs and sofas watching TV or reading or sitting, eating and conversing around the dining room table. Good parenting will be valued, especially regarding the importance of the father’s role in child rearing and encouraging fathers to be more nurturing and comforting. Expect more pregnancies and more twins to be conceived. Parents will feel the need to teach their children about responsibility, integrity and ethics.

Friendships are also very important in the Dog Year. People will be drawn to gatherings and reunions of old friends with a shared past and with newly discovered, like-minded others. People will feel the urge to invite friends over more often and enjoy deep conversations. Since people will be friendlier this year, they will also be able to make new friends easily. Community will become more important and the Dog encourages community involvement and there should be an increase in volunteers on the local level.

For the most part, people will become more even-tempered and patient. They will be most difficult this year if you push them to act against their principles, as this will bring out their stubbornness. People will also be more logical and will take more time to make decisions. The Emotion of the Earth Element is worry and people will do a lot of worrying this year, but most of what they worry about won’t happen. The Earth Elements of the year will increase clutter and people will feel more disorganized. People will also be concerned with saving money, except for buying essentials and food. They will be drawn more to long term saving, like certificates of deposit over any kind of speculation.

People will spend a lot of time thinking this year, another attribute of the Earth Element. It is therefore easy to overthink and get confused. Talking with others will help clear the mind. People will be more fearful due to the control of the Earth Element over the Water Element and a little gloomier and less optimistic due to the lack of the Fire Element. They will also be a bit more serious and careful. But the sense of fun will still be present in family gatherings and meetings with friends. Singing is the sound of the Earth Element so expect to see an increase in people singing together around the home or joining in choral groups and choirs. The music industry will do well and there will be an increase in the appreciation of beautiful voices. They will also be interested in crafts such as knitting, needlework, sewing, scrapbooking, carpentry and refinishing furniture.

Oxes, Goats/Sheep, Dragons and Dogs (those celebrating their 60th birthday will have luck) will find this year a bit more daunting. However, this only means that they may have to move, travel more, change jobs, start a new job, get married or have a baby – the Chinese call it experiencing “Good Bad Luck.” The remedy besides experiencing big life changes is to carry a Rabbit Charm. Rabbits, Horses and Tigers do very well.

Individual Animal Forecasts for 2017

Rat – Water Element: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 Rats are feeling more creative, business is generally good and there is a chance to be very social. However, watch out for arguments with family members.

Ox* – Earth Element: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 and 2021 This is not an easy year due to the many obstacles that arise – most are not serious. Business plateaus, but it is a good year for love relationships .

Tiger – Wood Element: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022 This is a very good year overall – There is luck, especially in business and Tigers will feel optimistic and act more gregarious. They will be very busy in a good way.

Rabbit – Wood Element: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 Progress will finally be made in business, although the results will not be immediate. This is a very good year for romance and marriage. Home life will be much happier and life will start feeling more fun.

Dragon*–Earth Element: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 This is the opposite sign of the Dog so Dragons need to be cautious with money and health. Home life may be difficult. However, business is good and Dragons should travel and meet new people or they may start feeling bored.

Snake – Fire Element: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025 This is a mixed year for Snakes. Business will seem very slow and Snakes are advised to work steadily and harder. Snakes will feel more introverted. However, family life will be enjoyable.

Horse – Fire Element: 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026 This is potentially an exciting and action packed year for Horses. Business will be much more profitable and Horses will enjoy the company of friends and family more than usual. They may move or big changes are possible in the home.

Sheep*–Earth Element: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 This is not a peaceful year as Sheep may find that they are thrust into many confrontations they don’t want to be involved in. There is also increased competition. However, they will find solace in friends and a very happy home life.

Monkey-Metal Element: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 This is a year of ups and downs for Monkeys, but there will also be times of sudden luck. Monkeys will be feeling more assertive and will find success in implementing some of their unusual ideas that previously were not appreciated.

Rooster–Metal Element: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981,1993, 2005, 2017 This will be a lot of challenges for Roosters this year, but business will be good and more money can be made but they shouldn’t take any unnecessary risks. It is important that Roosters hold their tongues and keep from fighting.

Dog* – Earth Element: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 This is a mixed year. It is good for moving, remodeling or redecorating. Dogs will be feeling very social but they will not accomplish as much as they want, but they will make good connections and business deals for the future. If it’s your 60th birthday year, it’s a restart and there will be luck for these Dogs.

Pig – Water Element: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 This is a good year for planning for the future – saving money and getting healthy. Overall, this year will feel slow and even boring, but Pigs need to prepare for the events of their own year coming up. Family life will be enjoyable.

*Dragons, Oxes, Sheep and Dogs should carry a Rabbit charm for protection this year and to bring more luck their way.

A special thank you to Peter Fischer for his contribution to the forecast based on his knowledge of Bazi.

DISCLAIMER: All information provided in this forecast is based on the ancient principles of the Chinese Five Element Theory and on an understanding of the animal symbolism in Chinese Astrology. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. There is no express or implied guarantee of results from using this information, and individual users are solely responsible for their own interpretation or application to their own circumstances. Further, the information is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for legal, medical, or psychological advice, evaluation and/or treatment. You are welcome to share this post, but please refer to the source.

Acupuncture Magic – Why is it so good at treating pain?

Have you ever wondered why acupuncture is so effective?  Especially at treating pain?

If you have ever experienced long term chronic pain, you know how debilitating it can be, both emotionally and physically. It can take its toll on your day to day life, robbing joy from ordinary activities and impacting sleep. With all the media attention surrounding the opioid epidemic, multiple articles have touted the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine for pain. There have been thousands of medical trials comparing opioid use to acupuncture and Chinese medicine always ranks as one of the most effective ways to relieve pain without the use of pharmaceuticals. Studies have shown acupuncture reduces pain by at least 50% compared to other interventions. Not only does acupuncture get to the source of the problem, it also helps to calm the parasympathetic nervous system and calm the mind to address the emotional aspect of the condition.

Acupuncture works by inserting hair thin needles into specific areas of the body to change the flow of qi or energy, encourage blood flow, reduce inflammation, and unblock stagnation below the surface.  It will ease pain by affecting neurotransmitters, hormone levels, and the immune system.  Needle insertion also triggers a change in brain physiology, this change will increase the release of endorphins and will lessen the sensation of pain the body experiences.

It’s also important to remember that acupuncture is cumulative and that the conditions being treated didn’t develop overnight. Consequently, weekly treatments are important for chronic pain conditions to see the greatest benefit.

We have been conditioned to think that the use of ice will alleviate pain. In Chinese medicine we believe ice is harmful unless used in the most acute situations within the first three hours.  The use of heat will encourage blood flow to the area, whereas cold will constrict, contract, and reduce the flow of blood.  Introduction of cold into the body creates an imbalance internally which leads to other problems in the long term.  

In my practice I have treated many patients for pain and regardless of where the injury is – acupuncture always helps.  I encourage the use of other modalities as well such as physical therapy if needed, dietary therapy, exercise, and herbal remedies.  Are you living with chronic pain and looking for support?  Make an appointment; see what acupuncture has to offer!  You will not only be surprised by the pain relief you experience, you also will experience the added benefits of relaxation, stress reduction, regulating digestion, better sleep, and uplifted mood!

Recipe Roundup – Pea Humus and Crackers

Healthy snacks keep your metabolism humming along smoothly and your energy sustained throughout the day. By batch cooking and creating healthy meals and snacks you can help to support your blood sugar every day. This Sunday try pea hummus and homemade gluten free crackers. It’s full of healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and protein to satiate your taste buds and hunger!

Pea Hummus


1 cup fresh shelled peas (or 1 cup frozen)
¼ cup cilantro
2 Tablespoons tahini
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
1 small clove garlic
⅛ teaspoon cumin


Bring a small pot of salted water to a boil. Add 1 cup fresh or frozen peas; cook until tender, about 2 minutes. Drain; run under cold water. In food processor, pulse peas, ¼ cup fresh cilantro, 2 Tb tahini, 2 Tb lemon juice, 1 clove garlic, and ⅛ teaspoon ground cumin 30 to 40 seconds. Season with salt.

Homemade Crackers


1 cup gluten free flour (all purpose blend)
½ cup nuts ground in food processor (I like walnuts)
½ cup oat bran
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon thyme
¼ cup water
2 Tb olive oil (more if needed)


Preheat oven to 325 degrees farenheit. Combine flour, oat bran, baking powder, salt, and
thyme in a bowl. Stir in nuts. Slowly pour in oil followed by water, adding more if dough is too
sticky. Dough should be formed into a mound and not sticking to sides of bowl. Place
parchment paper on counter and dough in center, place additional parchment paper on top and
flatten dough. Roll out crackers into ⅛ inch thick sheet. Remove top layer of parchment and
score dough into desired size. Bake at 325 for 16 minutes, edges should be golden brown and
slightly crispy. Cook for additional 2 minute increments  if needed. Remove from oven and let cool. Store in fridge for up to 5 days.

Fish Oil Supplementation and What You Need To Know

Countless articles and blogs tout the impressive benefits of supplementing with fish oil over the last 10 years.  Research shows it can benefit cardiovascular health, joint health, skin conditions, chronic inflammation, fertility support, and assist with mood support to name a few.  Is there anything omegas fatty acids can’t do?  And how do we know how to pick the right fish oil and determine whether or not it’s actually working.  

Fish oil is found in the tissues of oily, cold water, fatty fish.  These concentrated oils contain the omega fatty acids and are polyunsaturated fatty acids made up of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanoic acid).  Generally, dosing ranges from 5,000 to 10,000 mg per day. By comparison, 1 serving of salmon (4 ounces) can yield nearly 500 milligrams.  Many of us are deficient in omega 3 fatty acids and consuming way too many omega 6 fatty acids that are found in abundance in packaged and processed foods.  This imbalance is linked to a variety of disorders and leads to inflammation and chronic illness.  It’s important to note omega 6 isn’t bad for you at all, but our typical American diet shows a 20:1 omega 3 to 6 leading to a major discrepancy.  Therefore finding balance is key.

While I often recommend fish oil supplementation there are many things we should understand before we purchase just any ol’ bottle off the shelf.  Quality matters here!  A couple weeks ago I came across another wonderfully written blog post from the Wellness Mama where she goes in detail about the benefits, the breakdown of 3, 6, and 9, how the ratio of those matters, and sourcing.  Please check out this must read here:

Like most practitioners I have my favorite brands and let me tell you, it makes a difference.  When you look at the bottle it can be easy to get confused as some are higher in DHA, some EPA, some won’t even list what’s actually in the bottle or any possible additives or preservatives.  This is where things get tricky, the types of fish sourced is key.  When larger fish are used, we are more at risk of toxic levels of mercury or pesticides, and when small bottom dwellers are used there is heightened risk of toxic byproducts and chemicals that have settled to the bottom of the ocean.  Sustainably sourced brands will always list where their fish come from and which fish is sourced as well as the amount of actual omega fatty acids in the bottle.  Where we purchase our fish oil is important also.  Companies online that offer third party sales of fish oil may not have exactly what is listed on the bottle inside, therefore I recommend purchasing through your wellness provider or at a local health food store such as Whole Foods.  

The best way to incorporate fish oil into your daily regimen is through diet, sustainably sourced fatty fish like sardines, anchovies, and salmon are some of the best options.  But if you don’t eat fish or regularly consume processed or packaged foods which are high in omega 6, a quality fish oil supplement may be right for you!

Gut Check: Hitting the Reset Button after the Holidays

Have you been seeing the slogan “New Year, New You” everywhere? Why do we feel we need to wait until a new year makes its debut to begin making positive changes in our lives?  Whether it be healthy eating, living a more environmentally conscious life, or finally kicking a bad habit to the curb, our health and wellbeing often take a back seat beginning in the fall season and some of us can feel completely out of sync by the time Christmas and New Year’s Eve have bowed out. From holiday celebrations, vacation, and family time there remains precious little time to feed our bodies and minds what they really deserve.

Add stress and a busy schedule to the sugary treats, extra alcohol, and rich holiday food and our digestive systems go into overdrive to absorb the brunt of it all! This creates a perfect storm and prevents our spleen and stomach from working in optimal condition. In Chinese medicine the spleen and stomach rule digestion and belong to the earth element. They work together to govern transportation and transformation of food and drink, turning it into qi and blood for the body.  

When the spleen and stomach are working well, our appetites are strong, our digestion is working optimally and we experience good energy. When the spleen is not working well we suffer symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, loose stools, and low energy. Excessive sweets, anxiety, and stress can damage the spleen, leading to these unwanted symptoms.  Do you notice when you become stressed how your digestion is often the first sign that something isn’t quite right? Our emotional well being is so directly related to our digestive system some call the digestive system our “second brain.” Queue probiotics!

The stomach controls the rotting and ripening of food. This is the fermentation of the food so that the spleen may then use it to extract the essence or nutrients to be used as qi and blood. The stomach also controls the descending of qi and when this is out of balance you may experience heartburn, acid reflux, or indigestion.  

The following are some best practices to support your digestion and keep your stomach and spleen happy:

  • Focus on plant based foods, grass fed or organic meats, and anti-inflammatory foods
  • Eat warm cooked foods, especially in winter and ideally with the season
  • Consume probiotics daily to support a healthy microbiome
  • Avoid eating meals too late at night
  • Eat within the first hour of waking to stimulate digestion
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated but avoid ice in your beverages
  • Avoid too many sweets to protect and support the spleen’s function
  • Limit stress, stay calm, and chew properly
  • Incorporate warming spices such as cinnamon, ginger, and turmeric

By focusing on these tips you will keep your digestive system humming along smoothly and bringing you back into balance for the new year. Wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy 2018!  


Be Your Own Healthcare Advocate

Do you feel heard when you visit your doctor? Whether seeing a primary care physician, a specialist, or alternative medicine practitioner, many of us leave feeling a lack of support. Now more than ever doctors are required to adhere to a specific time constraint, usually seven minutes, with each patient. They may also be distracted or overwhelmed with the volume of patients they may see each day. It can be difficult to cover all the necessary information in this time! Another common problem is that there is no one stop shop these days; often we need a referral and those specialists can be booked out up to one year! This is not ideal! Having experienced this first hand, I believe something needs to change and fast! Today I want to encourage and empower you to become your own health care advocate. Our time is valuable and our well being is our top priority.

Educating ourselves as patients, as consumers of medical care, is the key to getting the proper treatment we need and deserve. This is especially helpful with autoimmune diseases on the rise. It’s rare that we go to our doctor with only one thing in mind to talk about. Often there are several symptoms or conditions we want to address with our caregiver. It’s important to remember that your practitioner can’t know every symptom of every condition which is why it is helpful to present your case in an informative manner without “teaching” your doctor. Being patient and straightforward will provide you with the answers you’re seeking. It’s also important to be clear and communicate when you do not feel supported. A good practitioner will listen and take your concerns into account.

Educating ourselves will also teach us the different treatment modalities available and gives a better understanding of the steps needed to take to feel better. It can seem overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be. Utilizing all the resources available will help you feel empowered in your condition and give you the tools to reach your desired health and wellness goals through diet, lifestyle, and treatment.

When researching treatment methods recently I came across a passage that reminded me how important the time we spend with our practitioners is. The one-on-one time spent must be focused and intentional.

As a practitioner I strive for the ideal of the passage: to listen intently and without judgment to my patients, to be kind, patient, to open my heart and mind to each individual person, no matter where they are in their journey and, so importantly, to ask questions that will enable me to differentiate the truth. As a consumer and patient I want to know I’m heard and understood and that there is hope for healing. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and pursue additional resources. You are your best advocate when you are most informed.

Chinese Medicine and Preventing Preterm Labor

November is recognized as Prematurity Awareness Month. According to the March of Dimes, preterm birth rates have risen in the United States for the second year in a row.  A preterm birth is considered anytime before the 37 week mark  and affects one in 10 women.  Risk factors include a previous premature baby, multiple births, an interval of less than 6 months between pregnancies, IVF treatment, stress or trauma, problems in the uterus, placenta, or cervix, poor nutrition, not enough weight gain during pregnancy, infections, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Maintaining a healthy pregnancy full term, 37 to 40 weeks, is the ideal to give the baby the optimal time to develop in the womb and prevent infant mortality rates the first year of life.  It also protects mother during her postpartum phase. 

Did you know acupuncture is helpful for mothers at high risk or with a history of preterm labor.  Regular treatment will help to support a woman’s qi and blood, reduce stress, support mama and baby during pregnancy, and prepare the body for a healthy labor and delivery.  

The developing baby goes through incredible changes throughout the whole pregnancy; the final weeks prior to delivery see particular changes in the liver, lungs, and brain.  Babies born prior to 32 weeks may be at risk of breathing problems, difficulty feeding, cerebral palsy, developmental delays, and hearing and vision problems not to mention the emotional toll it can take on the mama and family.  Warning signs of preterm labor include contractions consistently every 10 minutes prior to 37 weeks, pelvic pressure, change in vaginal discharge, low backache, and period cramps. If you believe you are experiencing preterm labor call your care provider right away.

Premature babies usually have low birth weight, length under 18 inches, fine hair all over the body, low body temperature, labored breathing, and weak reflexes affecting sucking and swallowing.  

There are many reasons preterm labor may occur. In Chinese medicine it is believed that this arises from a deficiency in qi and blood, weak spleen function or stress that aggravates the liver qi, and excess pathogenic heat in the body.  These triggers affect the uterine environment and may put the fetus at risk due to the premature ripening of the cervix and promoting contractions too early.  

Your practitioner will support you by addressing these issues and nourishing the fetus.  Moxibustion, the art of heat therapy, may also be used to warm the uterus and harmonize the Chong and Ren meridians which are strongly related to reproduction.  In clinical practice I find acupuncture is best used bi-weekly in the 1st and 2nd trimesters and weekly in the 3rd.  If you have been given a diagnosis that puts you at risk of preterm delivery by your care provider call your acupuncturist today to see how they can help!

This is how Chinese Medicine Views Coffee.

Let’s talk about coffee and Chinese medicine!  You may have read my previous article on the detrimental effects caffeine can have on your hormones.  This article will further describe what is truly happening when you drink coffee from a Chinese medicine perspective.

Coffee belongs to the plant family Rubiaceae, many other Chinese herbs fall under this classification and can have similar effects.  The difference lies in the dosages consumed, in Chinese medicine when your practitioner prescribes you a formula the dosage of each herb is chosen very thoughtfully and most herbs that are beans in Chinese medicine are dosed at 6 to 18 grams per day.  One cup of coffee offers 6 to 9 grams, however, who really drinks just one cup, not one mug, one cup.  Often we are consuming nearly 4 to 6 times that!  We could never expect to take 4 to 6 times the recommended dosage of any herb and not experience any adverse effects.  

The green coffee bean according to Chinese medicine stimulates or regulates the liver qi, disperses stagnant qi, opens the heart orifice, and purges the gallbladder.  When the liver qi is constrained the body will exhibit signs of being agitated and devitalized.  This is part of the reason we feel an intense burst of mental and physical stimulation after consuming coffee, it’s actions listed above are also why it has the ability to promote a bowel movement, alleviate constipation, and promote urination.  Initially the green coffee bean was used medicinally to regulate menstruation and stimulate the liver qi, but that was before we began roasting the beans.  Roasting herbs brings out their warming ability which can aggravate many symptoms if there are already signs of heat in the body or if the liver blood and yin is deficient.  If you’re aggravated by too much warming you may experience hot flashes, night sweats, dizziness, and anxiety.  Since coffee is a diuretic, this will cause your body to lose even more vital fluids necessary to moisten your skin and intestines.  “Like a plant in the sunshine, without water to balance out the sunlight, the plant becomes dry.”

Because the green coffee bean stimulates the liver qi to move, for those with deficient qi, it can leave you feeling very ungrounded and out of balance.  There is not sufficient qi to move thus scattering it across the body and creating adverse reactions.  As we discussed earlier it has a very negative effect on hormonal balance and fertility.  Because it moves stuck qi, some women who tend toward qi stagnation will experience calming sensations as the immediate effect.  But as the day progresses the feeling of stuck qi or irritability will return because women cannot metabolize or process caffeine in the same manner as men will.  It stays in our body for up to 24 hours!

The coffee bean also has bitter and sweet flavors associated, bitter flavor is associated with the liver and sweet with the spleen.  When drinking coffee it has the ability to regulate the liver and spleen to help harmonize digestion.  However, if you suffer from a weak spleen (or poor digestion), it can often cause gastrointestinal discomfort.  Additionally, drinking too much coffee will agitate the liver qi further.

As you can see drinking coffee has many negative impacts on our bodies, it disrupts our optimal balance and hormones.  If you decide to drink coffee after reading this I encourage you to listen to what your body is truly feeling.  Be well!

Acupuncture for Breech Positioned Babies

It is likely that many of us know someone whose baby has been in breech position as the
delivery date drew near. There are several reasons a baby may settle into a breech
presentation but the cause is not fully understood. Most babies will settle into a head down
position within the pelvis moving closer to the birth canal around week 34 to 36 of pregnancy.
However, occasionally, the baby may settle into a breech position. This occurs in about 1 out of
25 full term births.

There are 3 types of breech position: frank, footling, and full (or flexed) breech. Women in a
frank breech position may be given the option for a natural birth, but in a hospital setting where
they may be monitored in case there are any complications necessitating a cesarean birth. If
the baby is footling or full breech then a cesarean birth is advised. An ultrasound or an
abdominal examination can establish the position of the baby a few weeks prior to the due date.
It’s important to know that many breech positioned babies are delivered healthy and happy. But
there is an increased risk of other complications which can require a cesarean birth. The earlier
the baby is found in a breech position the more likely it is the baby will turn; some will turn on
their own, however if that does not happen there are many things you can do to help!

Acupuncture to the rescue! Did you know that acupuncture and moxibustion are very effective
in helping to turn a breech positioned baby? Moxibustion is the use of heat therapy; it is very
warming, soothing, and when applied to specific points has many different beneficial effects on
the body. The treatment is most effective when used in week 34 but can be effective as late as
week 38 or 39. An acupuncturist using the acupuncture point Bladder 67, combined with a 10
day round of moxibustion and weekly acupuncture treatments can help bring the baby into the
correct, optimal position: hands in lap, back to belly, chin to chest, and head down, also known
as a well-flexed anterior position. In some instances the baby can even turn as late as day 9,
10, or 11. During the moxibustion, the baby will become more active. Even if the baby turns, the
moxa is continued throughout the duration of the 10 day period to prevent the baby from turning
back to a breech position.

Other interventions may be used in conjunction with the above treatments to help turn or
reposition a breech positioned baby. A practitioner may place their hands on the mother’s
abdomen externally and gently try to turn the baby. The baby is closely monitored during this
version. Other helpful methods the mother may do at home include inversion poses to
encourage gravity to help turn the baby.

In Chinese medicine when a baby presents as breech, theory suggests that there is a deficiency
in the kidney qi, or energy. This is because the kidney has a strong relationship with the uterus
and it’s ability to nourish the fetus. In order for the baby to turn and be in a proper position for a
vaginal birth, the kidney yang must be strong. It is also helpful to encourage foods that are yang
in nature and temperature. By including warm and cooked foods, the mother will help to
encourage the growth of this yang.

It is also helpful for the mother to focus on positive posture in the final weeks of the pregnancy,
keeping the knees lower than the hips. This allows gravity to help assist the baby in moving
head down. Mama’s in the third trimester are encouraged to sit in a kneeling position with
forearms on the floor or against a straight back chair with knees below the pelvis. It can also be
helpful to rock and rotate the pelvis while on all fours and encourage gentle walking throughout
the day.

If you are expecting and learn your baby is breech or in a posterior position, acupuncture is
certainly !