How to keep your immune system in tip top shape this season!


Oftentimes the older, more traditional method is simpler and more natural.

Your immune system plays a vital role in your well being and quality of life.  When it’s not working at tip top shape we are more prone to suffer from the common cold, recurrent infections, non-healing sores, and seasonal allergies to more serious problems like asthma, chronic fatigue, digestive problems, candida, and autoimmune disease.  By stimulating and balancing the immune system, acupuncture works to “increase your red and white blood cells count, T-cell count and enhance humoral and cellular immunity in patients with immune related illness.”  While western medicine may prescribe immune-suppressing medications or antibiotics, for many of us this can create more problems down the line.  Supporting the immune system to work effectively can help you thrive despite immune-related disorders.  So how can you restore and support your immune function?  Read on to learn!

In Chinese medicine the immune system is referred to as Wei Qi; this is our first line defense.  This Qi circulates just beneath the skin and regulates sweating and immune function.  How do acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbs work together to stimulate and support the all-important immune system? Strengthening the lung qi helps your body control the opening and closing of the pores, preventing external pathogenic factors such as wind, cold, damp, or heat from entering and weakening your ability to fight off offenders. In acupuncture each point is chosen specifically for what your body needs; stimulating a specific point here alerts the body to bring more qi and circulation to a particular area, activating another point releases a blockage there.  Many Chinese herbs used in support of  immune function are antimicrobial, antiviral, adaptogenic, or tonics.  They stimulate blood flow, create microcirculation and support the endocrine system as well as restore the normal functions of the body.  The primary herbs are Ren Shen (ginseng), Dang Gui, Huang Qi (astragalus), and cordyceps (mushrooms).  

In addition to acupuncture and Chinese herbs for a stronger immune system, elimination of the stressors that are working against us is critical: sugar, processed foods, in some cases gluten, GMO’s (corn and soy, especially), hydrogenated fats, corn and canola oil, alcohol, factory-farmed animal products, additives and preservatives, heavy metals and inactivity are not your friends!  And at the top of the list- stress. Does this list seem overwhelming? Each small change you make is important. Start small. Don’t give up if you backslide. Just hit the reset button and start again. It’s doable! As you eliminate these offenders, build up your immune system with regular exercise, nutrient dense foods with a balanced diet, good quality sleep/adequate rest and self care. Additionally, consider setting an appointment with your acupuncturist prior to situations that weaken the immune system, such as air travel, classrooms or any large crowded areas.  I also strongly encourage my patients to take a probioitic daily to support their microbiome.  Incorporate foods that are anti-inflammatory, nutrient dense, antiviral, and antimicrobial such as turmeric, onion, garlic, ginger, lemon, dark leafy greens, beets, as well as adding necessary supplements such as Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and echinacea.

If you find yourself struck down with an acute attack of a cold, flu, or asthma, call your acupuncturist right away!  Immediate treatment will shorten the length and severity of the cold and promote your body’s ability to heal itself.